
Bunya Mountains Retreat

Here is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for…

A long weekend of relaxation, connection and calm, at the beautiful Bunya Mountains Queensland.

Do you feel exhausted, as if you’re running on empty?  Are you looking for an escape from the hustle of work and your busy life, a chance to do something just for you?  

Join my sister Natisha and I for a three-night retreat with mindful rainforest walks, meditation, and massage.     

My sister Natisha and I make an excellent team, helping you relax, reflect, and connect with yourself.  From Thursday 4 July at 4pm until Sunday 7 July 12noon, we will create space for you to breath and support you as you unwind.  

Natisha is trained in various healing modalities and her experience as a life coach helps her guide you through the process.  I am a counsellor and trained therapist in Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, which allows me to offer another layer of support and guidance.  To top it all off, we are both qualified and experienced massage therapists.  Together we work as a team to assist your personal growth and development.  

Are you ready for an amazing experience to shift your mindset and move you forward?  

Meals, accommodation and activities all included.  We will be developing connection with self through gratitude, relaxation, mindful rainforest walks, meditation and massage.

Here is a taste of what you will experience:

Day 1 – arrive at 4pm, settle into accommodation, welcome circle and intention setting activity, dinner, journaling activity and evening meditation 

Day 2 – group led stretching session, breakfast, gratitude practice and affirmations, mindful meditation rainforest walk, morning tea, remedial massage and alone time rotations (relaxing bath, journaling, reading, resting), lunch, healing rotations, dinner, group art session

Day 3 – group led stretching session, breakfast, gratitude practice and affirmations, mindful meditation rainforest walk, morning tea, remedial massages and alone time rotations (relaxing bath, journaling, reading, resting), lunch, healing rotations, dinner, singing bowl meditation 

Day 4 – breakfast, leave accommodation by 10am, short waterfall rainforest walk, picnic morning tea, reflection circle before departure

The demands of everyday life as a working woman and mother are brutal.  There is nowhere to hide from the endless list of tasks, deadlines, and expectations, most of which we place upon ourselves to live up to our own high expectations.  

The crushing stress keeps us ticking along but not able to see a way to make small changes with the potential to make a huge difference.  

 Imagine waking up with purpose and direction, excited to enjoy the upcoming day.  Envisage feeling free to explore your own thoughts and feelings, working through your emotions and able to express your true self.  

You know you need rest and relaxation and the time has come for some change.  You have started exploring what is possible for you and you are ready for more.  

Our retreat offers the perfect combination of rest and relaxation with the opportunity to develop tools to help you find yourself again.  

You will connect with nature during walks in the enchanting rainforest, learn to express your ideas through art and journaling and release physical and emotional stress through massage.  

Best of all, you get a break from cooking, cleaning, and parenting for the weekend.