

Communication Coaching

You’re feeling stressed and anxious about a communication challenge at work or in your personal life. You know you need to have a difficult conversation but you’re dreading it with every part of your mind and body. You want to vent with a trusted colleague or friend, but you don’t want to be the person talking behind someone else’s back when you know that there are probably ways you can contribute more positively. 

This 1 hour communication coaching session is a chance for replica tag heuer carrera silver dial stainless steel mens watch war201dba0723 you to enter a safe container where you can vent about your challenge, discuss strategies to improve communication and create a clear plan of action for moving forward.

Visualise feeling prepared and confident, able to engage in the required conversation to resolve the communication challenge. Imagine possessing new skills to help you through difficult conversations as they arise. Picture feeling heard while deeply listening to, showing empathy for, and understanding your conversation partner’s perspective.

With a combination of techniques from Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, counselling and more than 15 years experience within the education sector, I am equipped to hold space for you and help you work through your greatest communication challenges. I will listen to your situation, share strategies and ideas that may be of benefit, and then collaborate with you to develop a plan for moving forward.

Pro tip! Even self work and thinking about the communication challenge from a different perspective can significantly shift the problem, greatly increasing positive improvement. Therefore, there is no need to worry about needing to confront the communication challenge head on. There is a lot of work that can be done behind the scenes to improve the outcomes of communication.

Let’s work together to improve your communication skills

for better outcomes at home and in your workplace.